
10 resultaten

DiTTLab in NM Magazine

27 December 2017 Read the article by following this link (in Dutch): http://www.nm-magazine.nl/artikelen/dittlab-big-data-meets-simulatie/

Research output

The SUM lab aims to help stakeholders with the development of sustainable, inclusive and accessible urban regions (6). To this end, research…

Openbaar vervoer en deelmobiliteit in en na de coronacrisis

Openbaar vervoer en deelmobiliteit in en na de coronacrisis

Het openbaar vervoer is sinds de coronacrisis niet meer hetzelfde. De eerste uitdaging was om een veilige afstand te houden in de trein,…

Prof.dr.ir. S.P. (Serge) Hoogendoorn

Menu openen Staff Profile Serge Hoogendoorn was appointed Antonie van Leeuwenhoek professor Traffic Operations and Management in 2006. He…

Hydrogen Sensors

Hydrogen sensors and other applications of thin film metal hydrides (Thin film) metal hydrides have traditionally been studied as materials…

News & Events

Registration is needed SINERGI project seminar: Showcasing Cutting-edge research in the realm of transport and logistics The SINERGI project…

Scientific Publications

Journal papers Yuan, H., Li, P., Van Arem, B., Kang, L., Farah, H., & Dong, Y. (2023, September). Safe, Efficient, Comfort, and…

Gyroscopic balance assistance

Cartoon by Stephan Timmers, Total Shot Productions In short : Our goal is to design a backpack-like device that can actively assist…

Publications Bert van Wee

2015 van Cranenburgh, S. C.G. Chorus, B. van Wee (2014) Simulation Study on Impacts of High Aviation Carbon Taxes on Tourism Application of…



Peer-reviewed Journal Articles Book Chapters Peer-reviewed conference papers with proceedings Professional magazine Completed theses 2024…