
22 resultaten

Karl van Winden

Automatically deriving and updating attribute road data from movement trajectories There are many applications that use maps, and more…

Leon Powalka

Leon Powalka

Shape-guided artistic route finding Creating GPS art on the map is an interesting way to make one’s outdoor activity more engaging.…

What is SuperGPS

What is SuperGPS

What is SuperGPS? SuperGPS is an optical-wireless system, which will enable next generation clock synchronization and positioning services.…



Accurate timing and positioning through an optical-wireless distributed time and frequency reference Introduction Today our society heavily…

Dr.ir. C.C.J.M. (Christian) Tiberius

Profile Christian Tiberius received his Ph.D. degree on recursive data processing for kinematic GPS surveying from Delft University of…

Traffic and Transportation Safety Lab

How can we measure and assess the safety of the traffic and transportation system while taking into account the human, road, and vehicle…

Positioning systems and geo-referencing

We aim to develop reliable, robust, and efficient algorithms and systems for accurate positioning and geo-referencing. Where things are’,…

Navigeren op de decimeter nauwkeurig

Navigeren op de decimeter nauwkeurig

Onderzoekers van de TU Delft, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en VSL hebben een alternatief plaatsbepalingssysteem ontwikkeld dat robuuster en…

The NDW Traffic Observatory

In the Netherlands, the National Data Warehouse for Traffic Information (NDW) is an organisation best known for the product that gives it…

Reader on GPS positioning

This reader gives an introduction to Global Positioning Systems. A static version of this document is available in pdf . Introduction The…